Sunday, January 04, 2009

Just so you know...

Wow...I know. 2 posts in 1 day is just over the top :).

My desire is to use my blog as a journal of sorts to process through my last couple months and perhaps create my very first manuscript. Your comments would be especially helpful over the course of the next few months :)

Thanks to everyone who stops by just to check in. You keep me going! :)

Surprise, Surprise

It has been far too long. I have missed the quiet times of posting on my blog. It has been so long since I have posted that I have been deleted from a few blogger friends blogs :). Alas, I return.

What an incredible almost 5 months it has been. Adding another child to the mix has definitely been overwhelming. When praying for another child, I specifically prayed that the Lord would only bless me with a child if I could handle it (He must know something I don't). There have been times of intense personal struggle during this time but with that comes intense personal growth if we yield to the potter as His clay.

New years bring feelings of being better in one way or another. I could make many long lists of ways that I want to "be better" or "live better." More than that, I just want to know my precious Savior better. I don't want to "box Him in" if I may steal that phrase from one of my favorite Christian singers. He's a big God and I can't wait to experience Him in newer and more and greater ways.

My children continue to be a source of overwhelming joy. (I can hear their daddy reprimanding them right now in the other room :) ) For some reason I think God gives us children just to force us to grow up ourselves! Sometimes I can't believe that I'm the mom and I am responsible for three precious children. Wow. What a responsibility.

I recently was having a discussion with my oldest about where babies come from. I had told her that her daddy was going to have a minor surgery this month so that we wouldn't have any more babies. She asked lots of questions so I began explaining to her that women have eggs. And she looked up at me and said, "I have eggs inside me." I answered her, "Yes, honey. You do." She quickly responded, "Do I just poop them out and they become a baby?" Oh where to go from here. I tried to explain as best as I could without getting too deep for a 7 year old. She just interrupted me and said, "Mom, you could try to explain this to me for hours and I wouldn't understand." Enough said. Thank goodness she didn't really want to know anymore.

My son is asked the other day when he would know when it was time to leave home. He was concerned that he wouldn't know when to go or who to marry. How sweet is that. He was convinced up until then that he could just marry his sister. He still doesn't quite understand. He's okay with that and so am I.

My precious baby reminds me everyday that I don't want my kids to grow up too quickly. I have a lot of growing to do. Too bad I can't make that part happen quickly. I wonder how many times the Lord has to take me around the mountain again because I just am not getting it. I wonder how He remains so patient when I just don't get it. Thank goodness He is. I learn so very slow. I think He's okay with that.