Monday, June 21, 2010

My Bible Journal #1: Matthew 19:14

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

To such as these. I have a few "these." My children are such a tremendous blessing. Each of them has so many wonderful gifts and talents. Their unique abilities are truly crafted by the hand of a loving Heavenly Father.

These, however, also have the world at work in them. Like all of us, flesh meets spirit, good versus evil. My summer days have been filled with quite a bit of the not so good. I cannot help but think of how I too like the disciples have hindered my children from coming to the King. In my desire to bring correction and discipline, I have become angered and honestly annoyed with my own kids. I have complained of the difficulties of summer and its boredom with 3 varying ages hanging on my sweaty body.

Yet, I have neglected the most important thing. I have read my bible, mostly like a summer novel. I have prayed, mostly out of desperation like, "Lord save me from this insanity." But I haven't pressed in. I haven't truly "COME TO HIM" with my whole being. And in doing so, I have been responsible for the fleshly tone in my home.

I am not saying that I am responsible for my children's every mistake but I feel like I surely haven't been a great example. I have hindered. I have not had a heart full of thankfulness for the special call that is on my kids' lives. My daughter says now she wants to be a children's pastor or a missionary. My son wants to be a pastor. My daughter is filled with zeal and has a tender heart for the lost. My son has an incredible heart of compassion. My youngest is filled with joy for life; a joy that is so contagious it could only be the aroma of Christ. And yet, I spend more time tearing down and pointing out faults than encouraging, building and edifying.

Draw me Lord. Help me to come to you as my own children run to their daddy after work. Help me model a heart after Yours. Help me to point my kids to You. To show them YOU in what I say and what I do. For "your kingdom belongs to such as these."