Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yes. I will not be shy to say that TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY. How's it going you wonder? Well, it is just like any other day. The kids were fighting, we were late getting out of the door and I still can't figure out why "cover up" doesn't "cover up" zits. Why make a product that sticks everywhere but where you need it to? It doesn't make sense. My face has broken out even worse than before...why is this happening? Is it my age??

I took all of my Origins products back and went back to the old faithful, Neutrogena. Time will tell...it is just frustrating at 32 to worry about! Good grief.

I have cried several times today. In the shower, at the coffee shop and even a little now. I don't know what it is. I have so much to be thankful for. I am blessed to have another day to live my life and enjoy my family. Can't quite put my finger on it.

A friend of mine gave me a chocolate bar for my birthday...WHAT A FRIEND! Friends give friends chocolate!! I have managed not to eat the whole bar in one day! Quite a feat, I know. By the way, the Body by God is going a little haywire. Thanksgiving threw me off...or maybe I just went bonkers from completely cutting out sugar....???? Who knows. I am having a hard time keeping the sugar out of my diet. A friend of mine said today, "You can be addicted to sugar just like anything else, you know." Thanks for pointing that out, dear friend! Now I have guilt. :)

I have been thinking a lot about words lately. Perhaps why I have not posted in awhile. Words have power. I have realized the influence that words have and I think that it has scared me for the first time. I know that I am going to be held accountable for my words and I want to make sure that the ones I choose are glorifying God. I don't have everything figured out. I would not consider myself a pillar in the faith. But, as Joyce Meyer says, "I may not be where I should be but praise God that I am not where I used to be. I'm okay and I'm on my way." Amen sister. One grace-filled moment at a time He works eternity into me. Help me not to let you down Dear Lord. I long for only You. You are more than enough. Thank you for the life you have blessed me with and the days I have been able to live so far. Help me, to as Steven Curtis Champan says, "live for every moment and live every moment for the Lord."

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How's it Going??

Alas. A new post. It has been about a month since I last posted. I don't have any real amazing insights for you. I will just give you an update in a rambling essay sort of form:

Both my kids are sick. If your kids aren't school age you will soon understand or if you are over that stage then you can surely relate - when do you keep them home and when do you send them? I sent one to school yesterday and she cried. She was sent home 3 hours later. I didn't send one and he cried about "missing his buddies." No win here. Also, I long for clarity on when to go to the doctor. I have wasted my share of money on co-pays for a "just an upper respiratory infection" diagnosis (that means "a cold" in Dr. language). Ugh. Seems like I am not the only mom on this roller coaster of wondering.

I am terribly behind on my school work. Mostly from lack of time or energy. Please pray that God will make a way!

My favorite magazine right now is Real Simple. I love it. I love their cleaning tools too. Speaking of cleaning, I am obsessed with my cleaning supplies right now. I love Shaklee's Get Clean line. If you love cleaning supplies that are actually good for you, okay for your kids to touch and good for the earth, you can get the whole kit for $120 bucks right now. You get everything from window cleaner, microfiber towels (MY FAVORITE!!), laundry detergent to dish soap and some. The stuff is concentrated so you add water. It lasts forever!! I just love it. It was on Oprah not too long ago. The germ killer kills more germs than Clorox and won't harm you like Clorox can. Enough of my sales pitch. I just can't help it. It is great stuff! I am an oddity in that I would even love cleaning supplies for my birthday!

I still love Starbucks. Nothing has changed here. :)

I will be 32 in a couple weeks. Wow. Hard to believe.

In light of better products for you, I invested in the Origins Skin Care line. My skin has gone through quite a metamorphosis. Maybe it is my age. My skin has broken out like I am 16 again. I keep holding out that the Origins isn't the cause. I was told to give it 4-6 weeks. I am close to 4. Improving but still not great. The products seem pretty great. They actually have a whole Organic line. Interesting. However, with all of the recalls with lead and chemicals, not such a bad investment if you asked me! It's just too bad most stuff wasn't just organic already. Instead we have to take stuff out and increase the price! Oh brother.

I was just talking to a friend about nutrition the other day too. I am on a new health kick. I was reading the book, Body by God and it inspired me a little. Lots of information about our food. You could go crazy trying to avoid nitrates, preservatives, antibiotics and other additives. My advice...do your best. Eat healthy within reason and then pray!! Okay. Here is my soapbox. How could I not preach just a little?? If God raised His son from the dead and then tells us that the same Resurrection power is available to us, why do we think it silly to ask God to transform our food before we eat it? I was debating over getting the flu shot for my kids. Then, I told someone that I was just going to pray over my children, anoint them with oil and trust God. She thought I was a nut. Maybe I am. But I am a nut who wants to please God with my faith! Anyway. I won't go any farther.

No baby news here. I have friends having babies and have found myself struggling a little now with my loss. I thought I was fine but I think it hits me every now and again. Another question that I wrestle with is to try again or believe that God only has 2 wonderful children for me?? Maybe I can't handle or afford 3?? Maybe my body can't handle 3? Again, no clarity here. Another roller coaster.

It's getting colder here. I miss Colorado this time of year. They were 70 degrees yesterday. Only 40 today though. :) That's Colorado!! I wanted to take my kids to the mountains. I read an article about Colorado Mountains the other day and it made me homesick. Although, Colorado is only home to my in laws now as my parents have moved. Colorado will always be my favorite state I think. We get to go for Christmas, so that is exciting.

That reminds me. I am making my own Christmas cards this year. Prayerfully they will get done before then!!

Oh, I almost forgot. I joined Facebook. I don't really understand it, but it seems to be the growing trend.

My laundry, cold coffee and sick children await. I pray this finds you well.

Ta ta for now.