Friday, June 19, 2009

A Simple Smile

I was talking to my sister this morning. I talk to her probably an average of 11 times every day. She is my bff. We laugh at ourselves together and cry together all over the phone line. We haven't lived close to one another since we got married except for 1 long year when my sister's husband was away with the military.

Anyway, my sister was sharing with me about a friend whose son was taken to the hospital with trouble breathing. The doctors didn't know what to make of it. He was pale and losing weight. My sister and I briefly discussed cancer as it seems like every where we turn someone else is diagnosed with something.

No one can seem to figure out exactly why we are experiencing a barrage of disease in our lives. We can guess that it is related to our food and our environment. Yet I have also read books and heard people speak recently about emotions and disease too.

I have heard it over and over that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. So I know that smiling has to be better, yet I find myself doing it less. It seems like it takes more effort to smile. I just get so busy or caught up life.

Well...someone else noticed that I don't seem to smile much. A precious saint of God invited me to lunch yesterday. We chit chatted and enjoyed our meal. As I was leaving she hugged me and said, "You are so beautiful when you smile. I don't see you smile much." I just began to cry for 2 reasons. First, because it was such a sweet thing for her to say and second because I was convicted at the same time.

As her words rang through my mind, I heard my heavenly Father's words through hers. I knew He was telling me to remind my face that He had done a mighty work on my behalf by sending His Son to take on this world for me. I may think I live like it but it wasn't really showing.

I am smiling more today and I have to remind myself to do it a majority of the time. Yet I am believing that as I do, the world will want to know why and boy do I have a story to tell!