Friday, August 14, 2009

Short and Sweet (and round) I just realized that the quickest way to clean up Cheerios off of, well about anything is to just simply pop them in my mouth. I didn't really realize that I did this until I got a soggy one and gagged. Once I realized that I did it, I am embarrassed to admit that I found myself doing it many times a day. I am a human vacuum cleaner.

Eating cheerios off the floor reminded me of a couple things. First, moms are crazy busy and usually pretty hungry for about anything because they forget to feed themselves (more than leftover hot dog pieces and half consumed Capri Suns!)

Second, and on a more serious note, it reminded me of a scripture in Mark 7, "And he said unto her, Let the children be filled first, for it is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs. But she answered and said to him, Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs under the table eat from the children's crumbs." In this passage Jesus is testing a woman's faith. The woman persistently asked Jesus to heal her daughter. Jesus did heal the daughter because of the woman's faith. "O woman, great is your faith," he says to her. The woman was believing God against many odds including her stature as a Gentile.

Against many odds. I am facing many odds. We all are. They may not be the same odds but we all have them. It is here, where the Cheerios meet the floor. What are we to do when life gives us crumbs?? Will we have great faith or will we complain and declare why me?? Next time I pop a Cheerio in my mouth I think I'll remind myself that my God is able to do more than I can even utter. He takes care of my kids. He feeds me. His rod and staff comfort me. I have nothing to fear. He is the I AM. I have no need of worry or discontent. He know if a sparrow (or Cheerio) falls.

Who knew there was more to a Cheerio than lower cholesterol??

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