My mom wouldn't ever let me have a diary when I was growing up. She didn't like the idea of me having secrets. I thought it was lame at the time. I am all grown up now and I think the idea of a diary is great. My blog is a diary! So today, I thought that I would just diary my day from start until now...
4:30 a.m.: First alarm goes off. I push snooze. I contemplate getting out of bed.
4:50 a.m.: Second alarm goes off across the room. I have to get out of bed to turn it off. I am smart to do this I think.
4:51 a.m.: I tiptoe in the bathroom and attempt for the second day in a row to put in my contacts via nightlight in the bathroom. I spent lots of time pressing my finger to my eye sure that the contact was placed. I put my finger in the case again. Pressed finger to eye. Nope. No contact. Finally, I found the contact only to have it fold on my finger. I held it as close to the nightlight as I could to try and figure out which way to pull it to get it flat. Success. Contacts in.
4:53 a.m.: I tiptoe downstairs to read my bible. Reading Holiness by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
5:20 a.m.: Pray in kitchen. Pacing back and forth keeps me awake.
5:40 a.m.: Tiptoe upstairs to get on workout clothes. Without lights, my sports bra is hard to find in my drawer. I found a swimsuit, a tank top and then finally a sports bra.
5:41 a.m.: Jog in place workout video.
6:10 a.m.: Husband up and joins me downstairs. Lunch made for daughter: sandwich, goldfish, peeled orange, 2 cookies, banana and cheese for a snack. Juice and icepack added too.
6:15 a.m.: Hop in shower.
6:45 a.m.: Son and daughter awake. Son dressed. Daughter dressed and hair done. Breakfast prepared.
7:15 a.m.: 5 1/2 month old arrives to be babysat.
7:30 a.m.: Kids teeth brushed with baby watching.
7:50 a.m.: Kids shoes on and put in car. 2 trips with all baby stuff and school stuff.
8:00 a.m.: Depart for school. By the way, husband left at 7:40 a.m.
8:17 a.m.: Arrive at school. Daughter decides she is too scared to walk in by herself.
8:21 a.m.: Baby in stroller. Daughter with backpack on. Son asking lots of questions. Head into school.
8:25 a.m.: Daughter to her class. Couldn't get backpack open. Had to have teacher help her. Blew her a kiss.
8:27 a.m.: Walk to coffee shop in church with baby and son. Purchase cookie. Son refuses to walk and eat at same time. Wait for son to finish cookie.
8:35 a.m.: Walk back to car to go home.
9:00 a.m.: Home. Take baby and son for walk around the block.
9:20 a.m.: Play with baby and son.
10:20 a.m.: Put baby down for nap. Play with son. Read several pages in textbook for school.
11:20 a.m.: Baby awake. Change baby. Feed baby bottle.
11:45 a.m.: Baby in exersaucer. Make son lunch.
12:00 p.m.: I have been up for about 7 hours. Make myself lunch.
12:15 p.m.: Take son and baby outside for fresh air.
12:35 p.m.: Friend stops by to drop off some makeup I ordered.
1:00 p.m.: Friend leaves.
1:45 p.m.: Baby's mom arrives to get baby.
2:00 p.m.: Play with son and relax for a few minutes.
2:40 p.m.: Leave to get daughter from school.
3:10 p.m.: Daughter tired. Mommy tired.
3:15 p.m.: Drive to daddy's office.
3:20 p.m.: Daddy drives mommy, daughter and son to Starbucks for a special treat.
4:00 p.m.: Home with daughter and son. Clothes changed. Few phone calls made while son and daughter play.
4:45 p.m.: Husband home. Take walk with family.
4:50 p.m.: Short walk. Kids fought too much.
5:00 p.m.: Started dinner.
5:45 p.m.: Dinner ready. Dinner eaten. Dishes washed.
6:15 p.m.: Outside to play beanbag game with family.
7:00 p.m.: Neighbor comes over to borrow suitcase.
7:10 p.m.: Kids brought in to take shower.
7:20 p.m.: Break taken. Read several pages in textbook.
8:00 p.m.: Husband put kids to bed. Runs to store.
8:20 p.m.: Husband home with new foot bath for mommy.
8:23 p.m.: Mommy writes blog. Mommy wants to cry.
8:25 p.m.: Mommy wants to go enjoy foot bath. Husband is telling me my foot bath water is going to get cold. Good night.
1 comment: wonder you never have time to get together. I was exhausted just reading one day's worth of activities :)
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