Monday, April 21, 2008


I just love mine, first of all. What a blessing and a treasure I have in each one...even the one in my womb!

My morning consisted of waking up to my son coughing. I knew that he was coming down with something and the wake up call was just a reminder. With all of the hullabaloo about cough medicines I have opted to try more natural means of cough control (i.e. nothing). He slept well so God gets the glory for that one.

He came downstairs and played computer for awhile. He amazes me at his age (5) with his abilities to play on the computer. I try to limit his time. Try is the operative word here. How much is too much? At one point he called for fruit snacks. I didn't come so he called again more agitated. I started to grab some when he specified, "Spongebob, not just the fruity ones." Of course I had grabbed the fruity and had to go back to exchange them for the Spongebob ones. I served him his fruit snacks and he continued to play happily.

I managed to get it together enough to make it to the grocery store. I had a tighter budget this week so I was shopping the bargains. This week we will dine on tacos and homemade macaroni. Thanks to the Plainfield Chamber of Commerce lady who stopped by with some coupons for free pizzas at Pappa Murphy's before I left for the store! Sounds healthy eh? I actually called my mom from the grocery store because I felt guilty about the health of my meals. She quickly and confidently responded, "Do you pray over your meals?" Of course I responded, "yes." She then asked me, "Don't you think that our God is big enough to nourish your family with the food that you provide for them?" Again, a confident "yes" from me. She reminded me that God sees my heart and my grocery budget and is not limited by either. We serve a big God.

How refreshing it is to call on a mom to let you off the hook. We moms need to stick together. In a world that tries to dictate what is good or not for our kids we need God's wisdom, Godly counsel and Godly moms to help us along the way. This parenting stuff is daunting. Fruit snacks or raisins? Computer or none? How much? Organic or whole grain or both? Supplements or not? Vaccinate or not? The barrage of things we face daily is pretty incredible. All I know is that I do my best and God does the rest. His part is pretty big because I know my best isn't much. Something about filthy rags is ringing in my head right now. If you are a mom that needs to hear it, and I think most of us do, repeat this out loud several times, "I am a great mom and Christ enables me to take great care of my family." Sometimes I feel like this world tries to rob me of the confidence that I need to make it through each day. Today, I am combating that with battle on my knees and a loud proclamation that God enables me to be the best mom that I can be. No matter what my mothering looks like to anyone else, I will be confident!

Moms, don't be afraid to step out and seek encouragement like I did today. Sometimes you just need to hear it from someone...audibly! If we wallow in our feelings of inadequacy or feelings of being overwhelmed the only one who wins is the enemy. Step out and make a call. On God first and then on another mom who can tell you that you are doing awesome and that you can make it. And best yet, when relying on God and Godly counsel your kids are going to turn out okay~!

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