Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Random Morning

So far this brilliant Wednesday morning has brought much variety. I woke up earlier than I wanted to but later than I should have. I went out in the Chicago snow to shovel just to wake up. Not much to shovel, but more is coming so I thought I would get a head start.

I made oatmeal for myself. I got a great deal with all my coupons so I have 4 boxes of oatmeal. Unfortunately, no one else in my house enjoys it. So...more oats for me.

The kids got out the door on time. We even sat down and did a devotional. Okay, so I bribed them by saying that they couldn't play the computer of Wii unless they could answer all the questions in the devotional first. Hopefully any amount of the word that I give them will sink in.

I did a 40 minute workout that frustrated the daylights out of me. Some moves that were suppose to be hard were way too easy for me which could only mean one thing: I was doing it wrong. My youngest cried for probably the last 20 minutes while either trying to climb on top of me or pulling my hair. I bribed him with marshmallows.

I tried to get my youngest down for a nap. I ended up taking a shower instead and then finally got him down for a nap.

Oh yeah, before the nap I snacked on pretzels dipped in homemade butter. You know the kind where you shake the jar of whipping cream. I added a bit of salt and shook away. (A carry-over idea from my daughter's Little House on the Prairie party). I ate too much butter but enjoyed every bite. Re consumed every calorie that I burned doing my workout.

I am determined to get a revelation from my bible reading today. I am in Deuteronomy. There is a lot of great stuff in this book and then a lot of stuff that makes me so very glad I live in the here and now.

Well, other things have fought for my attention before my devotions. So, I am going to go and get it done. I am desperate for Jesus today.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I am so thankful that my husband suggested early morning coffee this morning. I think I was the only mom on the planet who did all of my grocery shopping between 10 and midnight last night.

Okay, so there are benefits and trials to be had about going so late to the grocery store. I started at Starbucks 15 minutes before they closed to get my free coffee with an empty Starbucks pound bag. It was just the way I liked it.

Off to the first (yes, I do 3 grocery stores) store. I parked by the door because of the time of day and gathered my list, circulars and coffee. I probably look ridiculous juggling all that I do...but no one else was in the store to see me. So as I got to the door it was locked. Again, because of the time of day only one set of doors was open. I then went on my juggling way to the other door and once inside had to backtrack all the way back to the produce department. I grabbed a cart, which for some reason these days has been a full body endeavor. I have to pull part up with my hands, lean my body into it and get my leg tangled up underneath it and push and pull all at the same time to get the carts separated from each other. Now that I have splashed my coffee and dropped my circulars, I have a cart!

After 45 minutes and 52% savings with lots of coupons I headed to the car. As I drove to my second destination I could hear the melons rolling around in the back. I prayed that the wouldn't be bruised. Especially since I got such a great 1 get one FREE! Yipee. I got to the second store which had no doors locked praise God. However, the night time stocking clerks had clogged all of the aisles with their big boxes and palates. I had to park my cart at the end of an aisle, grab my purse, get the items I needed and juggle them (I am getting good at this) back to my cart.

After about an hour in this store, I made it to the only checkout line open at this ridiculous shopping hour and there were 2 people in front of me. Of course the clerk was a night-time stocking clerk and not really a cashier so you can imagine the efficiency and speed at which she scanned groceries. In order to maintain my oh so patient spirit I perused a magazine. Nothing but gossip and air brushed pictures filled the pages. I put the magazine back and tried my best to smile.

After all of my items were properly scanned and bagged (that took an eternity and I had to resist the urge to reach over and help speed up the process) I handed over my pile of coupons. Of course one was not "recognized" so we had to call for backup. No problem. There wasn't anyone waiting behind me as it was going on midnight.

Okay. Finally done. I just couldn't do another store tonight. It will have to wait until tomorrow. However, tomorrow I would have 3 children in tow which presents problems of its own. I got home and put the cold stuff away and was just heading upstairs near 12:30 when my infant decided he didn't want to sleep. Somewhere between the ear infection, molars and a severe diaper rash he found something to cry about.

After rocking, tylenol and lots of tired time he slept again. I pleaded with the Lord to give me until 7 a.m. 6:20 a.m. and the day began all over again.

Daddy was gone until noon and was home long enough for me to have a nap. He left again and arrived home near 7 p.m. I am just plain tired. I have been easily irritated and agitated today. I am ready for bed. I think I need to move up my bedtime to 8:30 p.m. Because as every mom of young kids knows, you never know what tonight may hold.

I am learning endurance. I thought about Paul as I was awake with my infant. He sang songs at midnight in worship before the Lord. I mostly cry and complain about how tired I am. I don't know how Paul did it. But I know why he did it and HE deserves praise even in frustrating, sleep deprived nights.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Feats of Daily Life

This morning I met my husband at Starbucks for a little mid-morning date. He has a busy day and weekend ahead so we snuck away, with 2 little ones in tow as one is home sick from school, and headed to our favorite spot. Of course, once we got inside there was nowhere to sit. Scratch that. There was one table couched between a couple of businessmen and 2 women engrossed in a serious conversation. I can picture it now, "Excuse me, I know this table here is meant for 2 but my husband and I would like to sit down with our 18 month old and our sick 6 year old to enjoy (not) a quiet (not hardly) cup of coffee (smile). Not going there.

So, we opted for picking out our coffees and heading back to the car. Of course as I asked about what type of drip they had available the employee mumbled, "Something, something, Guatemala." I declined and just asked for Pike Blend. My husband then jokingly said, "My wife doesn't like Guatemala...the country." Of course the employee looked at me and I said, "That's not true." Funny. Ha. Ha. I love my husband's sense of humor. I don't know if the employee was quite as indulgent.

Anyway, I got my coffee fixed up with raw sugar and lots of cream (By the way, nonfat milk ruins a good cup of coffee. Anything but cream should be outlawed). We looked around one last time and headed to the car. Of course my 18 month old wanted to walk so he tries to jump out of my husband's hands while he is balancing his coffee. In the process my son dropped his cookie on the floor and cried when we whisked it away to the trash (Can't quite wrap my mind around the 5 second rule). I grabbed my husband's coffee from him and he wrestled our youngest out the door to the car.

Ahh. Here we go. Now we can enjoy quiet conversation while we sip our way too expensive coffee. Moments into the conversation my youngest alternated between cries for more cookies and grunts that told me I would be getting out of the car shortly with a fresh diaper. (My son is on antibiotics so that means messier diapers for us. Yippee). Okay. Out of the car I went in the balmy 22 degree weather to grab a diaper out of the back. I took my son out of his seat and laid him in the chair next to his. Of course the sun was in his eyes so I had to shut the door and crouch down in the 2 foot square space left when the door was closed. I managed to get the job done and get my son back in his car seat. Hopped back out of the car and threw away the diaper in the outside trash bin and headed back to the front seat.

Once inside I grabbed the purell and then my coffee. My coffee was now lukewarm. Now where were we. We had a few spare minutes to try to chat before my husband had to go. We saw some friends walk by and waved hello from the inside of the van. Of course we explained why we were sitting in the van out site Starbucks. After the goodbye to the friends it was time for my husband to go. What a date.

As I drove away towards Target, my second favorite store, I glanced in the rear view mirror to find my 18 month old fast asleep. Ugh...........How did this happen! I had to change my plans and head back home all while devising a plan in my head of how to get him out of his parka and car seat and how to pry the bag of cheerios out of his hand while keeping him asleep.

Anyone who has attempted to keep a sleeping baby asleep from car to crib knows my pain. It isn't any easy feat. This was going to be my Olympic event today. I got home and motioned to my 6 year old to be quiet. I then opened the door where my youngest was sitting. A large number of Cheerios heralded my arrival. I was able to pry the baggie loose. I got both buckles open. Now the tough part. Getting baby out. Check. We have success. I headed upstairs while trying to devise the plan on the removal of the parka. I quietly unzipped. Waited as he started to stir. Shew. Close call. I then pulled one arm loose. Again I waited. Almost there. I laid him in his crib and cringed. Okay. We are okay. I took a deep breath and pulled his other arm out of his parka. Ta Da! I did it. I tiptoed out.

So far today I enjoyed a date in my mini-van, changed a diaper in tight spaces and kept a sleeping baby asleep. Tomorrow I might climb Mt. Everest.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Febraury 18, 2010

Seems like once a month I get to sit down and spill my thoughts on the tablet that my computer provides. So much is happening right now it seems too overwhelming to write about it all. Someone once said that I used to be funnier. Life just isn't quite as funny to me as it used to be.

Lord, you alone know the deepest parts of my soul. You know my weaknesses and my disappointments and yet you Love me so desperately. You know my tendency to place other gods before you and yet you lead me right back to your loving arms.

You alone have ordained this time and this place for me to be. Help me to know you right here and right now. You have given me three precious children to care for and teach. I feel like I fall so miserably short of what you want from me. I want to be better and yet I know that I can't change myself. The changing will only come from knowing You more. Teach me. Help me to be founded securely on Your love and Your love alone. My desire is to be like that Olive Tree THRIVING in Your house trusting in your loving kindness!

My life has been consumed mostly with the trials of health for my oldest and youngest. Strep throat six times. Surgery to remove tonsils. Ear infections at least six times. Upcoming surgery to put in tubes. Food allergies. Reflux. Sleep problems. Hives. Each has come like waves on the ocean. One after the other with no rest between each blow. I feel disconnected and often times alone.

Oh but during this time, precious Father, You and You alone are proving how genuine and true You are. You will never fail me or leave me. You sympathize with my weakness and don't just judge me for them. You have a love for me that sees who I can be and not just who I am. You ordained this time for me to draw upon you to KNOW YOU IN IT. You are a VERY PRESENT help in times of trouble.

Right now I am struggling just to be IN IT. I want to be out of it. But by your sovereignty you have kept me right here so that I have recognized how desperate I am for you. I love YOU Lord. I am completely and utterly Yours. Thank you for treasuring me when I have felt rejected. Thank you that you are a gentle shepherd. Thank you for beginning to unearth the dead roots so that new life might spring up in its place. Let me be a planting Lord that yields fruit. Little by little. Help me to be patient during your incredible process.