Saturday, February 20, 2010


I am so thankful that my husband suggested early morning coffee this morning. I think I was the only mom on the planet who did all of my grocery shopping between 10 and midnight last night.

Okay, so there are benefits and trials to be had about going so late to the grocery store. I started at Starbucks 15 minutes before they closed to get my free coffee with an empty Starbucks pound bag. It was just the way I liked it.

Off to the first (yes, I do 3 grocery stores) store. I parked by the door because of the time of day and gathered my list, circulars and coffee. I probably look ridiculous juggling all that I do...but no one else was in the store to see me. So as I got to the door it was locked. Again, because of the time of day only one set of doors was open. I then went on my juggling way to the other door and once inside had to backtrack all the way back to the produce department. I grabbed a cart, which for some reason these days has been a full body endeavor. I have to pull part up with my hands, lean my body into it and get my leg tangled up underneath it and push and pull all at the same time to get the carts separated from each other. Now that I have splashed my coffee and dropped my circulars, I have a cart!

After 45 minutes and 52% savings with lots of coupons I headed to the car. As I drove to my second destination I could hear the melons rolling around in the back. I prayed that the wouldn't be bruised. Especially since I got such a great 1 get one FREE! Yipee. I got to the second store which had no doors locked praise God. However, the night time stocking clerks had clogged all of the aisles with their big boxes and palates. I had to park my cart at the end of an aisle, grab my purse, get the items I needed and juggle them (I am getting good at this) back to my cart.

After about an hour in this store, I made it to the only checkout line open at this ridiculous shopping hour and there were 2 people in front of me. Of course the clerk was a night-time stocking clerk and not really a cashier so you can imagine the efficiency and speed at which she scanned groceries. In order to maintain my oh so patient spirit I perused a magazine. Nothing but gossip and air brushed pictures filled the pages. I put the magazine back and tried my best to smile.

After all of my items were properly scanned and bagged (that took an eternity and I had to resist the urge to reach over and help speed up the process) I handed over my pile of coupons. Of course one was not "recognized" so we had to call for backup. No problem. There wasn't anyone waiting behind me as it was going on midnight.

Okay. Finally done. I just couldn't do another store tonight. It will have to wait until tomorrow. However, tomorrow I would have 3 children in tow which presents problems of its own. I got home and put the cold stuff away and was just heading upstairs near 12:30 when my infant decided he didn't want to sleep. Somewhere between the ear infection, molars and a severe diaper rash he found something to cry about.

After rocking, tylenol and lots of tired time he slept again. I pleaded with the Lord to give me until 7 a.m. 6:20 a.m. and the day began all over again.

Daddy was gone until noon and was home long enough for me to have a nap. He left again and arrived home near 7 p.m. I am just plain tired. I have been easily irritated and agitated today. I am ready for bed. I think I need to move up my bedtime to 8:30 p.m. Because as every mom of young kids knows, you never know what tonight may hold.

I am learning endurance. I thought about Paul as I was awake with my infant. He sang songs at midnight in worship before the Lord. I mostly cry and complain about how tired I am. I don't know how Paul did it. But I know why he did it and HE deserves praise even in frustrating, sleep deprived nights.

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