When you have kids, it seems like they are born with questions. From "Can I please have another cookie?" to "Will you play with me?" Then there is the infamous "Why?" It always makes me laugh when my kids ask why. Because most of the time I have no clue. I end up coming up with some creative explanation which I usually hear my child repeating to someone else at a later time. I can remember a response that my sister gave to her daughter when she persisted in the "Why?" scenario. My sister gently responded, "Let's save some whys for tomorrow." Well said.
I have reiterated to my daughter that it is good to ask questions because that is how we learn. Sometimes I wish I hadn't told her that but nevertheless it is the truth. Let's just say that my daughter wants to learn about a lot of things! However, I have told my daughter that when mommy says no, "Why?" is not something she should ask. Sometimes, "Because mommy said so" is explanation enough. Even though it seems like this response works to end the conversation, my daughter does not give up on some issues.
The question that I hear on a daily basis is, "Can we get a dog?" I have tried every available negative answer for this one. From "it's too expensive" to "we don't have room." My daughter consistently tells me that she will walk the dog, comb the dogs hair, pull thorns from her paws, take her to the vet when she is sick and she will even let the dog sleep in her room. My daughter is very mature for a 5 year old. However, the answer is still "no." The funny thing, though, is my daughter has not given up asking us for a dog. Each day she asks us with the same intensity as the day before. I ask her if she remembers what I told her yesterday. She says "yes...But." My daughter is relentless. You know what has happened now? We are actually praying about getting a dog. So my husband and I have gone from "absolutely not" to "okay we will pray about it."
Persistence is a wonderful thing, especially in prayer. I have talked with many people who are praying about very serious issues on a daily basis. They are not giving up, even when the answer does not come right away. These people have encouraged me. In Luke 11:8 (NLT) it says, "if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistence." Jesus was telling a story about going to a friend's house to borrow bread at a late night hour. There is something to be said about this "shameless persistence." Am I going to the Lord in shameless persistence about my needs? Have I given up because the answer doesn't appear to be on the horizon? Persistence is more than just asking until we get what we desire. Persistence is simply taking God at is word and trusting that as we keep coming to Him, He is going to work in our hearts as well as our circumstances. If you are praying for healing, don't give up. If you are praying for the waters to part, don't give up. There are miracles to come both in our hearts and our lives as we seek Him fervently. My daughter isn't going to give up asking for a dog. Over time, maybe she will realize that even though she thought she wanted a dog, it is a fish that she really needs. (ha ha)
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